Friday, March 09, 2007

Eartha Kitt - I Want to Be Evil / Cha Cha Heels

"Aaron, come here!" Chris says, as I walk in the door from work, barely able to undo my clip-on tie. "You gotta see this!"

It's another YouTube video, usually I fear these because, well, it's YouTube. But then I noticed the title, "Eartha Kitt - I Want to Be Evil". She's soo cute and young.

Of course thanks to the related items list on YouTube there is more Eartha to be enjoyed. I see a link for the song "Cha Cha Heels" featuring Eartha and including Bronski Beat. Goosebumps surge over the flesh on my neck before I muster the bravery to play the clip for fear of 80s-liciousness overdose.

Now this is pretty terrible, even for someone who loves the 80s for it's over-the-top costumes, hair and song stylings. Those poor backup dancers, and what's with the so-so-soo-gay backup singer that seems to be a cross between Michael Bolton and Boy George. Freaky.

So nothing is different from a light Earworm attack, I think of the song here and there, it just pops into my head. On my way out of work one day, I go to the break room to grab my jacket, a commercial on TV shows a drag-queen singing "Wanna be baaad." Oh lord.

So when I get home, I search on YouTube for "Kinky Boots" and quickly find a video. It's the right drag queen, but it's the wrong song. Oh god, she's singing Cha Cha Heels!! Still, better than the cheeze-fest in Eartha's video.

After scouring YouTube, I finally give up finding the "Want to be bad" version from Kinky Boots, so throw together a Google search out of desperation... and what do I find? MSN and Yahoo both have movie clips. Hooray! For your viewing pleasure...

"Kinky Boots - I Want to Be Bad" Mirror

Naturally I had to watch each video a few times, while watching the video montage from Kinky Boots, I realized I had seen the drag queen before somewhere. I recognized her, but could not place her. Hrmm.

Oh my god, of course! Chiwetel Ejiofor. The Bad-Ass Operative from Firefly. Boy he really looks terrible as a woman. Well, maybe not that bad. Have to give him credit for having such a wide range of acting ability, but not enough credit to encourage him to sing more.

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